ATA Group - Transport Accreditation

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Home FAQ NHVAS How to add or delete vehicles

How to add or delete vehicles

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Follow these steps:

Complete and sign the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme Amendment form available at the below link 

Select the NHVAS Accreditation(click on small circle just to the left of the word).

Then select Add/Delete/Amend NHVAS Accredited Vehicles and click the next button.
A checklist is shown and at the bottom of the page just above the next box click on download forms this will give you the correct form to complete your application to amend the vehicle list.
Once completed the save the completed forms. (on the payment part of the application form jot down the amount in P1 this will need to match the amount on the electronic payment calculation in the submission page later on).
If the vehicle is entering into Maintenance Management you will need to provide a copy of the current roadworthiness certificate with the application. 
You now have all of your documents ready to submit the application.

Go back to the NHVR site and click on the next button below where you downloaded the forms and it will take you to the submit page.

Click submit now

Complete the billing information and module information (check payment amount is same as P1).

Scroll down to below the forms checklist to file uploads

Add each file one at a time (your amendment form and any roadworthy certificates)
The click the  finish button

This will take you to the credit card payment and once completed you should receive a receipt number and a reference number.

Happy applying 
Note: when a vehicle is removed from the maintenance management module it will require a certificate of inspection prior to being driven on the road.
Last Updated on Friday, 28 March 2014 07:44